The Basics

"There is no energy in matter except that absorbed from the medium" - Nikola Tesla

Everything is energy. You and I, and all of the seemingly ‘solid’ matter we see, is energy moving at a slow enough frequency perceptible to the human eye. That’s what Einstein’s famous E = mc^2 essentially means: that there is an equivalence between energy and matter. The universe is one, indivisible dynamic whole in which energy and matter are deeply entangled. Heat, light, explosions and the beating of our hearts, are all different manifestations of energy, each with its unique frequency. (Check out Dr. Bruce Lipton’s video ‘Everything is Energy’)

But what exactly is energy? The basic textbook definition of energy is the “potential to do work.” Energy is a wave of possibility for energetic motion. It is motion itself.

At the atomic level, every solid is a cluster of moving atoms and heat is one way to measure how fast or slow the motion is. Electronics Engineer Graham Gunderson says heat energy is “energy we can use instead of deadly coal, instead of dams that kill fish, instead of expensive wind turbines… Anything at room temperature is full of this free motion; it’s ready to be captured” (from Hidden Energy). Even at absolute 0 (-273 C), where atoms are at its lowest internal energy state, there is still motion, which physicists refer to as “quantum fluctuations.”

These quantum fluctuations are interactions of matter/anti-matter pairs (the most fundamental ‘stuff’ of the Universe) that come into being from the highly energetic quantum field, spontaneously self-organizing into quarks, photons, atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies. “There is so much there [in the quantum field], that particles of matter just pop into existence and then pop back out again. Half of these particles have a positive charge and the other half have a negative charge, and as they are evenly spaced out in 3-dimensional space, the overall voltage is zero. So, if the voltage is zero, what use is that as a source of energy? The answer is ‘none’ if you leave it in its natural state” (Hidden Energy).

Just as fish don't notice they are in water, so too do we not notice we are in a sea of cosmic energy, nor can our instruments detect an energy environment which permeates all matter and space. It is completely embedded in our experience. It IS in ALL.

Similar to wind, we cannot see it but we are able to measure its effects. We measure the difference in power IN vs. power OUT in a device. New Energy Technologies (NET) create conditions for this abundant energy to flow into the device as extra input energy, converting it to mechanical or heat energy that can power motors and heat up a home. For example, suppose the power in to start and run a transformer is 10 Watts, and the power out is 20 Watts, that means there is an extra 10 Watts of new energy that has come through. In physics terms, it would have a CoP of 2, multiplying existing input power.

This is revolutionary because all other energy sources, including solar, natural gas, have a CoP less than 1, meaning for every unit of energy IN only a fraction of that energy comes OUT usefully in heat or electricity. The closest competing method is co-generation, which uses "waste" heat from gas combustion to power a steam turbine and create mechanical power, has a relatively high efficiency of around 90%. NET transmutes the power in (usually electricity from a plug or battery), energy from the vacuum flows in, and produces more power out than in. In some cases, ‘holy grail’ NETs use no input power at all, creating perpetual motion.

If all of our electricity and heat-using devices were able to tap into the zero point field, demand for oil, gas and other harmful sources would decrease exponentially. That is what we aim to support.


A Brief History of Zero Point Energy