Sharing knowledge of advanced, clean, and sustainable energy sources
NEM is a non-profit organization founded in 2003 with the mission to support and educate about new energy technologies
We believe that a transformation in the way humankind produces and uses energy is one of the most important endeavors of our lifetimes. What kind of transformation do we mean?
A transformation in awareness that leads to decentralized local energy economies, fueled by the power of cooperation and abundant energy sources!
NEM is a source of knowledge, community and a vehicle for positive change.
We are working towards being a platform for collective learning and organizing at the grassroots level, with the ultimate aim of creating sovereign, resilient communities
What do sovereign and resilient communities look like?
Sovereignty is the state of harmony within oneself, where one has mastery and ownership over their consciousness. Energy sovereignty then, is a state in which people need not be connected to a larger ‘grid’ that dispatches energy through a controlled system, but have their own regenerative and decentralized source of power. This hasn’t been possible before because of the limited and intermittent nature of existing energy sources such as solar and natural gas. Because the nature of new energy is inexhaustible, only limited by what the device can output, there is enough for everyone, anywhere.
Today, houses in a typical neighborhood are all connected by power lines that trace all the way back to a centralized power plant. This interconnected ‘grid’ spanning hundreds of miles, needs management at every level, and can easily be disrupted by power surges or storms.
The future we envision is one where cars and public transportation powered on abundant plasma energy. Portable generators are locally or regionally manufactured by employee-owned companies. New kinds of schools teach ether physics and engineering, sprouting creation of repair shops and further innovation. Take-back programs implemented to reduce virgin materials. Essentially, we are catalyzing a community-focused circular economic ecosystem founded on the knowledge and the sustainable creation of new energy technologies.
This all starts with learning and sharing knowledge about new energy and its limitless possibilities. This is what we’re here to do.
What is new energy?
It is the inexhaustible energy seething from space. An omnipresent high-density energy field. It is the ambient heat all around and Earth’s magnetic field that can be harnessed into useful work. More generally, it is the extra output power which is greater than the input power required to run a NET.

“History reveals that those who challenge the ‘scientific consensus’ are typically the ones who propel humanity forward by leaps and bounds. Is there an unlimited sea of energy everywhere present in the universe just waiting to be tapped? Doesn’t humanity have the responsibility to find out once and for all? It’s time to assemble a diverse team of experts and layman from around the world to discuss, research, validate, and debate a new physics from the past with new technology to benefit all of humanity just around the corner.”
— Russell Witte, PhD | Professor at the University of Arizona
“As people realize we’re interconnected in a beneficial sea of energy, perhaps thought leaders will feel more gratitude than fear, anger or greed. We can stop fighting over resources; there’s enough for everyone when we innovate in harmony with nature. Abundance of clean, cheap, non-radioactive power sources can clear our atmosphere, protect waters and soils, help restore both ecosystems and human health and prosperity, and revitalize economies to provide jobs. Ample cheap power for greenhouses will provide food. When our needs are met, the power of love will have a chance to replace love of power.”
— Jeane Manning | Author and New Energy Journalist